If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are available from the school office
Trust policies Many policies are held at Trust level and these are published on the SJB CMAT policies page - please follow this link.
School-level Policies
- Anti Bullying Policy (Nov 2024)
- Attendance Policy (September 24).pdf
- Behaviour Policy (Nov 2023)
- Behaviour Principles Written Statement (Jan 2023)
- DBS Policy and Procedures (June 2023)
- EYFS Policy (Nov 2024)
- Intimate Care Policy (Dec 2024)
- Marking and Feedback Policy (Mar 2022)
- Medical and First Aid Policy (Mar 2023)
- No Smoking Policy
- Positive Handling Policy (Dec 2024)
- Premises Management Policy (Nov 2022)
- Procedure for Children who go Missing (Nov 2023)
- Religious Education Policy (Nov 2024)
- RSE Policy (Nov 2024)
- Safeguarding Policy (Sept 2024)
- SEND Information Report (May 2023)
- SEND Policy (Sept 2024)
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy (Apr 2023)
- Suspensions and Exclusions Policy (Dec 2024)
- Visitor and Parent Code of Conduct Policy v2.pdf
- Sacred Heart (Swaffham) Admissions policy 2025-26.pdf
- Sacred Heart (Swaffham) Admissions policy 2024-25.pdf
Financial Benchmarking Compare the spending of Sacred Heart with other schools in the country