Attendance Procedures
We strongly believe that there is a direct link between pupil progress and a child’s level of attendance. We take seriously our responsibility of monitoring and addressing attendance issues and acknowledge that irregular attendance seriously disrupts the continuity of learning for pupils. It is essential that home and school work together to ensure all pupils at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School get the best start in life.
If a child is been unable to attend school for any reason, a dated letter or email explaining the absence should be sent into the school via the office or class teacher. This could also be done via the pupil asset app or a telephone call or voicemail on the attendance line will suffice. Parents are asked to contact school on the first day of absence. Notification of planned absence for medical or other reasons is necessary and evidence of any medical appointments should be made available.
Parents are discouraged from organising holidays during term time and all such requests will be recorded as unauthorised. Unexplained absences have to be marked down as “unauthorised”.
We operate a first day calling system for any unexplained absences.
Where we have concerns regarding a child's attendance, we will engage with Fast Track procedures to identify any barriers to a child's regular attendance at school and aim to support parents to ensure their adherence to their statutory obligations. The following information booklet gives more information.